Advanced BioDiesel
Biodiesel is a renewable, clean-burning diesel additive/replacement that can be used in existing diesel engines without modification; It is being produced in the EU since 1992.
The world, led by Europe, encourages the production and the use of Advanced biodiesel.
UNIVICE is a developer, owner and operator of renewable energy projects and is developing a state of the art advanced Biodiesel plant in Poland.

Plant Advantages
Green process with low carbon footprint that meets the strict regulation demands.
Efficient use of multiple and accessible raw materials.
Low energy and chemicals consumption.
UNIVICE's in-house engineering and knowhow.
Based on an exclusive patent proofed Enzymatic process.
Integration of advanced technology allowing minimal manpower and remote supervision on multiple locations
Global Potential
UNIVICE Plant will produce Advanced Biodiesel which should achieve the majority of the Advanced Biodiesel market by 2030
Expected production needs in Europe by 2030: 20M T/year